How to take pictures of Christmas lights with your mobile phone like a pro

With the arrival of the Christmas season, you will like to take pictures of the Christmas lights with your mobile and obtain a good result, a task that a priori seems simple, but it is not, and that is why it is convenient to know some tips to put them into practice when want to take these photos.

Almost any corner of a city or town is filled with lights this Christmas, some more spectacular than others, but in the end they offer that Christmas atmosphere , which makes Christmas lights one of the most representative elements of this time. .

When you see Christmas lights that you like, the first thing you do is observe them and the second thing is to take out your mobile to take a photo and immortalize the memory in the image gallery. However, if you don’t have a bit of practice, the photos may not turn out quite as well as you’d like.

To avoid these situations and take good shots, you should apply a series of small tricks so that the photos of the Christmas lights come out perfect , and also have a mobile with a good camera. We leave you these tricks below.

Don’t use the flash

The first thing to keep in mind to take a photo of the Christmas lights is that you do not have to use the flash of the mobile camera , otherwise you will get a flash in the image and the lights that you have tried to capture will not come out. they won’t even look good.

Therefore, deactivate the LED flash in the camera application and shoot the photograph without using it, then you can re-enable it to take other types of photographs, but for the Christmas lights do not use it because they will not turn out well and you will have to delete the images made.

Do not move

Another tip to take perfect photos of Christmas lights with your mobile is not to move , or at least if possible because from the moment you make any kind of movement, no matter how minimal, you will get a blurred photograph in which the lights they will not be seen.

Make sure you have a stability in your hand to take the photo and shoot the photo, if necessary use a tripod . If the latter is not possible, you can take several shots until you find the best of all, if you succeed, you will have a beautiful image to share with your WhatsApp, Telegram and other contacts or keep for the memory.

Activate manual mode in the camera app

Most of the camera applications that come with mobile phones come with a PRO or manual mode that allows the user to modify certain photographic parameters (ISO, exposure, aperture, focus, etc.), so if you have it, the best thing is activate it in these cases.

Now it is a matter of tapping the different parameters until you find the correct values to take a good photograph under the Christmas lights, one of them would be the ISO value, which should be at minimum, although the focus is also important.

Set the ISO to the minimum

The ISO parameter is a parameter that you must take into account when capturing Christmas lights. As we already explained in a post about tricks to take good photos in autumn, it is the ability of the sensor to capture light when we are going to take the picture.

In general, the ISO in general conditions should not be higher than 400/500, but since in this case we are going to capture lights, it is best to lower it to the minimum in the manual or PRO mode of the camera app (normally the value of 100), thus you will get a high quality image with as little noise as possible.

Don’t use the zoom

As far as possible and even if the Christmas lights that you are going to photograph are far away, get as close as possible to avoid using the zoom of the mobile because you may find a result of an image with blurred lights and poor quality .

If you have no other choice, try to use a low value since the more you zoom in, the lower the level of detail and the more noise the image will have, what you get in return is a poor quality image, so if you can avoid zooming a lot better.

Take the photo before nightfall

At dusk and almost dusk, that in-between moment is the ideal time to take the photos under the Christmas lights, although if you have the opportunity to capture photos in that period, you will obtain better results than if you take them completely at night since you will have to control other things .

You can see that it is not so difficult to apply all these little tricks to take pictures of Christmas lights with your mobile like a professional that will remain for the memory of that year, although it is all a matter of practice since the more you do, the better results you will get.